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[2022년 봄 학술대회] 발표 초록과 발표원고에 대한 안내입니다.

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 1457

발표자님께 발표 초록 이외에 A4 10장 이내의 발표 원고 혹은 발표 PPT (20 slides 이내)를 요청드립니다. 세부 사항은 아래를 참고해 주시길 바랍니다.

Abstracts and Proceedings Paper Submission Deadline : April 30, 2022

Please send your abstract and presentation paper to the following email address:

Oral presentations have a 30 minutes slot with 25 minute talk and 5 minute Q & A session. We cordially request that presenters submit a manuscript for presentation or PPT in addition to the abstract.


*Guidelines for Proceedings papers Submission

1. A presentation abstract should be a summary of your research (limited to 300 words).

2. A manuscript for presentation can be submitted in various formats such as Hancom Office/Word, PowerPoint slides, etc. A manuscript for presentation may not exceed 10 pages (A4 210×297mm) and 20 slides in PowerPoint format.


For those using Hancom office/Word, please note the following:

Title: font size 15 / Affiliation (Name): font size 10

Body: font size 12 / Line spacing: 160


3. Note: On a separate page of the file, provide the general information about the presentation and presenter(s) as follows:

     -Presentation Language: English

     -Presenter (Korean / English): 00 / 0.0. Kim   &  Affiliation: 000대한민국 / oooooo Univ., Republic of Korea

     -Presentation Title:

     -Email address:

     * Label the file as follows: your name(s)_date.docx or hwp.
